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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm still hungry...

I was recounting what I ate today to someone who proclaimed, "That's too much food for you to be eating!".  Mind you this was after I had eaten dinner and was full after I cleaned my plate. I lamented that I was still hungry, some 1/2 hour after eating dinner.

I didn't think my food intake today was very high, which explained why I was still hungry but there was no denying this person.  I then tasked this person to build me a list of foods that I can have that fits in with what you think I should be eating and was met with silence.

Here's what I ate today:

raisin bran cereal and skim milk - 230
whole wheat toast - 170
Becel margarine - 70

Mid morning snack
grapes, about 15-20 - 50

fiber 1 bar - 100
canteloupe - 32 calories in 1/4 of a melon.  I did not have 1/4, more like two slices, but we'll leave it as is for this experiment.
nectarine - 61
honeycomb cereal - 115
banana - 108

Afternoon snack
rice cake - 80

To add all of this, it comes to 1016 calories.

For Dinner, I had this: http://www.kraftcanada.com/en/recipes/zesty-chicken-rice-skillet-94966.aspx.  It states as is, its 340 calories.  I tend to tweak it a bit when I make this, so we can probably extend the calories for giggles to 400.  I also had a salad with cucumbers, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes and baby carrots along with salad dressing.  I used Kraft Balsamic Vinaigrette and I always use more than is recommended.  The regular serving is 90 calories, so we'll double it to 180.

Thus bringing the value to 580 calories for dinner.

For the entire day, it brings a grand total of calories to 1596.

Based on the USDA average recommended intake for someone my age, weight - 121 lbs, height - 5 ft 4 in, the most calories I can consume without gaining weight is roughly 1800.

Point made, good night.

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