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Monday, February 27, 2012

Operation schrumpfen Check-in #7

So now we come to the end of another month.

I'm definitely seeing changes. My legs are stronger, they don't hurt when I run up and down the stairs multiple times or when I use them to help me close the Lazy Boy recliner. My spare tire is almost gone and my waist-to-hips are not as lumpy as before.

I'm starting to like the way I look in sweaters and tops again. My muffin top is slowly shrinking and it feels great! I'm less self conscious about it and I know in just a few months it will be mostly gone. I'm really looking forward to purchasing a new bikini.

Let's compare some numbers shall we?

Measurements as of February 27th:
Weight: 131 lbs

Circumference under ribs: 28.5

Circumference at belly button: 31.5

Circumference at hips: 34

Circumference of thigh: 21.6

Measurements as of February 6th:

Weight: 132

Circumference under ribs: 29

Circumference at belly button: 32

Circumference at hips: 35

Circumference of thigh: 22

Measurements as of January 9th:

Weight: 133

Circumference under bust: 29 - adjusted to measure under the ribcage, not at the ribcage.

Circumference at belly button: 34

Circumference at hips: 37

Circumference of thigh: 23

Goals for March:
- Maintain 30 minutes on the  TreadClimber at least 3 times a week.
- Develop a toning regimen for my arms, back and stomach.  This I will also do 3 times a week.

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